Daily Archives: December 20, 2013

First time.

There is a lot of “first time”s in life for everyone. Some are unexpected, some are planned. Some are disastrous, some are memorable.

//Roller coaster//

I have experienced roller coasting on a trip to Universal studio with my girls. I’ve never thought that it was so scary. Before that, i am eager to try out, thinking it would be heart-throbbing exciting and fun. My first try, and i told myself, ” this will be my last. No doubt”. It was so scary and i feel myself going to die any minute, literally. Oh, that was my first time that my legs get wobbly too. 

Bad experience.

//Celebrating my mom’s birthday//

My mom isn’t a birthday person. So, when i was young, we will treat our born days as just a normal day pass by. However, as i grow older, i decided to give my mom a surprise. I bought a simple card. (Well, card was all i can afford during primary school days.) And wrote a essay of thank-you note for her. She read it, and thank-ed me.

Conclusion, tearing, heartfelt words don’t work on my family.

//Celebrating my own’s birthday in class//

When I was still in nursery, there was a on-going trend of giving away packets of snacks wrapped nicely to all your classmates. In return, you got a simple birthday song sang by the whole class. My parents knew I wanted it badly at that time, so they decided to make one for me. It was effing awkward. Worse decision in my life. 

I think that was the first time i’ve realised that i sort of hating attention to be focused on me.

//Embarrassing moment//

This is one of the most embarrassing moments that i cannot forget in my life. In my nursery days, i was addicted to ‘rock’ my chair. I don’t know the correct word to use. It is just sitting down with only 2 stands supporting the chair, if you can visualize it. So, i was happily eating my meal and doing my bad habit. And, i think i was too violent and “whoop”, i fell down backwards. My panty was totally exposed, cause of the ultimate mini skirt of my uniform. 

Worse, i couldn’t get up myself and needed help to pull my up. Worse moment ever.

//My chinese paper//

I grow up in a mandarin speaking family, and my mom is persistent that my sisters and myself score well in our Chinese language papers. Her mandarin is excellent, so we were educated that way since young. My average score for my chinese ever since primary was 90 and above. No lesser. Well, i became complacent and slacked down alot during my secondary years.

Can you imagine how shocking or dumbfounded I was when i saw the red inked “60” marked on my chinese exam paper?

I don’t even dare to show my mom. Well, i did get a really good scolding from her. Sigh. Only till then, i realised that I was only best in the basic, and totally uninterested to improve my mandarin at all. Tedious.

//My first part-time//

I have started working when i was about 14 or 15 years old? Maybe is being influenced from my sisters who started to be independent since young, and i decided to do the same. Well, I think this is the only good decision i’ve made during this 21 years of my life. Anyways, my first job was a flyer distributor. As easy as it sounds, i give out flyers in areas appointed to me. No brain-er job.

Earnings was like $30-$40 dollars, depending on per hour basis to finish my task. Integrity issue. I did not cut slack or get the easy way out. I worked hard, and felt accomplished when my boss gave me my first pay. However, he was a jerk. Only till years later, i realised that i can earn way more than that pathetic pay for the equally same amount of job.


//My tattoo//

Okay, this is gonna be interesting. I have always wanted to get ink on my body. My pain tolerance is near to zero, but went ahead to do it anyway. My tattoo artist friend has warned me about skins that are always covered up by cloth will be quite painful. Well the thing is, i didn’t expect it to be fucking painful! The whole process was about 40 minutes, and i felt it is taking forever to finish.

When you are ink-ing, you will ask yourself,” why do you even want to go through this torture?”. Ironically, once you are done, you will say,” it is fucking worth it.”

I got a “This too shall pass” on the side of my body and a “Leo” sign on my hip. Second best decision i’ve ever made in my 21 years of life. Inking is addictive. However, Jasmine or my inner voice will talk me out of it” you better think twice if you want to get this ink on yourself. It is gonna be a lifetime thing. If you think there is maybe even a 0.1% chance that you will regret, better don’t do it.”

After that, i drop off the idea. But, i don’t mind getting some more though.


Bimbotic. My face got really bad during my puberty stage. Pimples all over my forehead, T-zone and my chin. It was disgusting. I can fully understand the feeling of wanting to cover up yourself so much to avoid stares from people.

Oh, i can remember once, one comment from my classmate makes me determined to take really good care of my face. ” You pimples are really disgusting, yucks”. Dafug.

So, i was determined to get back my smooth and pimple-free complexion. Washed my face daily, and buying all facial products. Soon, i feel that all these were not enough and went for a facial treatment. The feeling was so good. They pamper your delicate face, cleansing all impurities, removing black heads, and masked. I feel like heaven, and you will feel your skin to be shining, smooth and soft.

Even now and then i go for a one-time facial, i will compare and still feels that my first-time was the best ever.

//Bicycle fall//

Once, i was into cycling alot. So, almost everyday when the weather is good, i will bring my bike and go to the nearby neighborhood for a quick ride. So, there was this sibling. Come to think of it, they should be crazy. I was happily cycling on my own, and suddenly i saw them chasing after me. 

Of course, i was panicked and try to escape from them. I lose them a few times, but they are like hunters keep on appearing behind my back. In the end, i lost focus and tripped on a lump out of nowhere. They were shocked and went off. An uncle looked at me, and gave me a thumb-up.

Up till now, i still cannot understand what have i done to piss them off. Crazy people everywhere.


My parents have a policy in their teaching to us. Slapping is forbidden. They will cane, scold and nag, but never slap. I was being rebellious once, and decided to join Chinese Orchestra behind their backs. They got so angry, and reprimanded me for not discussing with them. Well, actually I don’t understand why they are so mad about it. So i talked back, and my mom just slapped me across the face. 

I was so stunned. Jaw dropped, and i cried so hard.

I assumed is because my words of use were inappropriate so my mom couldn’t stand it anymore. I forgot what i said, but given for my temper, I must have said something unpleasant and disrespectful. So, my bad. 

That was the first and only time. Never again. I’ve realised that talking to them nicely and convinced them is way better to piss them off. More to my benefits. When you get older, you get smarter. *Ding*

Well, that’s about it. Not much more memorable. More to add soon!



Thinking back,
